From the latest scoop on the course creator economy to inspiring you to build a business on your terms.

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Course Creator Corner 

Podcast Guest

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Become a sought-after podcast guest by sharing your wisdom, stories, and journey with a wider audience. Jump onto someone else’s podcast and expand your audience reach to create a path for new audiences to find you. 1. Perfect Your Guest Pitch Whether or not, you know someone who has a podcast; you should know how […]

5 Easy Ways to Get More Podcast Guest Appearances

the latest

Offering a free eBook is a fantastic way to attract new clients and highlight your expertise. But how can you take your free eBook and turn it into something that not only builds your audience but also drives sales? Here are three strategies to help you make the most out of your free eBook. Create […]

How to Turn Your Free eBook into Sales


turn ebook into sales

Have you tried to upsell your nutrition services, but it just gives you the big “ICK”? What is Upselling? Upselling your nutrition services is a sales strategy where you encourage your clients to purchase additional products or services that complement your main offerings. It’s a way to increase the value of a sale by offering […]

How to Upsell Your Nutrition Services



Should you lower your pricing for your brand new nutrition program? That is a multi-layered question that depends on your business model, the type of services you offer, your audience, your audience’s buying behavior, how connected they are to your brand, and outside influences of an economic landscape that may be beyond your control. While […]

Woman typing

Creating a profitable gut-health course involves strategic planning and execution. To start, hire someone to capture your expertise and build your course for you that addresses a specific need or problem with your clients. For maximum success, you want your course to be engaging, comprehensive, and results-based. We’re diving into three money-generating activities you can […]

How to Make Money from Your Gut Health Course


As an OBM who has supported a variety of businesses and teams, I see and hear first hand the ways in which business owners are frustrating their teams… quite often without intending to, or even realizing it. Here are the top 9 ways that you may be driving your team nutty. 1. Changing your mind […]

9 Surefire Ways to Drive Your Team Nutty


If you want to attract more clients and add some extra income to your pocket, digital products are the way to go! They’re a fun and creative way to share your knowledge while making it super easy for people to learn from you. Check out these 7 ideas designed to generate extra monthly revenue while […]

nutritionist working

Creating an engaging nutrition course might seem a bit overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! With a sprinkle of creativity and some smart planning, you can whip up a course that not only teaches but also grabs your client’s attention. Let’s dive into some simple steps to get you started! Know your clients Before […]

How to Make Engaging Nutrition Courses for Your Clients


Nutrition Computer

Cold-calling and sales calls are rarely anyone’s idea of a good time. If you’re like me, the thought of picking up the phone and dialing numbers you’ve never called before can feel like a special kind of torture. I’ve never been a fan of it. It’s awkward, nerve-wracking, and frankly, I’d rather do almost anything […]

Cold-Calling and Results: How Persistence Got Me New Clients


cold calling

Your perfectionism is the enemy of progress in your business (you know it’s true!) Perfectionism—it’s that little voice in your head telling you that everything needs to be flawless before you can share it with the world. Sounds like a good thing, right? But here’s the kicker: perfectionism can actually be your biggest enemy to […]

Perfection Enemy

Here are my biggest takeaways from managing a team of 10 contractors Managing a team of 10 is definitely a ride. There’s no handbook that can fully prepare you for it, but I’ve picked up a few gems along the way. Here’s what I’ve learned—no corporate jargon, just the real stuff. 1. Communication Is Everything […]

My Biggest Takeaways from Managing a Team of 10 Contractors


How to Manage a Team

This guide is here to kickstart your next step and show you how to take what you know and turn it into a course. You’ve got a ton of knowledge in your head, and you’re thinking, “Hey, I could totally turn this into a course!” But then you wonder, where do you even start? Don’t […]

How to Take What You Know and Turn it into a Course


Turn what you know