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Podcast Guest

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Become a sought-after podcast guest by sharing your wisdom, stories, and journey with a wider audience. Jump onto someone else’s podcast and expand your audience reach to create a path for new audiences to find you. 1. Perfect Your Guest Pitch Whether or not, you know someone who has a podcast; you should know how […]

5 Easy Ways to Get More Podcast Guest Appearances

the latest

Your perfectionism is the enemy of progress in your business (you know it’s true!) Perfectionism—it’s that little voice in your head telling you that everything needs to be flawless before you can share it with the world. Sounds like a good thing, right? But here’s the kicker: perfectionism can actually be your biggest enemy to […]

Why Perfectionism is the Enemy of Progress


Perfection Enemy

This is why I prioritize slow mornings in my business For more than a decade, I’ve worked in an office environment where I would rush out the door, barely eating breakfast, just to make it on time for my 8:30 a.m. shift. As soon as I walked into my office space, I flipped the switch […]

Why I Prioritize Slow Mornings in my Business


Morning Yoga with Kids

I speak to business owners every day about the things they find most difficult when it comes to running their business. From dozens of these ‘pain point’ conversations I have come to know two things to be very true: Business Challenge #1 “I spend way too much time managing the team and don’t have time […]

Are you a Starter, Finisher, or Stabilizer? I love this question and have used it in my business with clients & team. It’s important to understand this distinction for ourselves, as well as for the people we work with. A Starter likes to get the ball rolling – you are a visionary. You see the […]

Are you a Starter, Finisher or Stabilizer?


Woman working

There are 3 keys to getting past the bursting point in business It can be REALLY tough to run a business, especially once you hit 6-figures and beyond. The struggles are not talked about enough, often swept under the rug – brought to life only in tearful late night discussions or moments of extreme frustration. […]

3 Keys to Getting Past the Bursting Point


Reading on a bed