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How to Manage a Team

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Here are my biggest takeaways from managing a team of 10 contractors Managing a team of 10 is definitely a ride. There’s no handbook that can fully prepare you for it, but I’ve picked up a few gems along the way. Here’s what I’ve learned—no corporate jargon, just the real stuff. 1. Communication Is Everything […]

My Biggest Takeaways from Managing a Team of 10 Contractors

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In my work with clients & teams over the years, this statement proves to be true over and over again… You get what you INSPECT, not what you expect. Yes, even with a great team of people who you adore. Unfortunately we cannot simply train someone once, and then expect that they will do everything […]

How to Get what you Expect from your Team


One of the most common frustrations I hear from business owners is “I’m so busy! There are so many things on my plate that I can’t seem to get anything done.” Being ‘busy’ (and the stress that comes with it) seems to have become the norm. But even more than that – busy has become […]

Delegate your Distractions


I speak to business owners every day about the things they find most difficult when it comes to running their business. From dozens of these ‘pain point’ conversations I have come to know two things to be very true: Business Challenge #1 “I spend way too much time managing the team and don’t have time […]

As a business owner you might be familiar with this journey… At first it’s just you, flying solo doing all the things. Then you hire your 1st team member (probably a VA) and they take some tasks off your plate – yay! And as the business grows more and more things need to get done […]

Why Managing Teams Becomes Energetically Draining


Team Managing