From the latest scoop on the course creator economy to inspiring you to build a business on your terms.

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Course Creator Corner 

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Are you a Starter, Finisher, or Stabilizer? I love this question and have used it in my business with clients & team. It’s important to understand this distinction for ourselves, as well as for the people we work with. A Starter likes to get the ball rolling – you are a visionary. You see the […]

Are you a Starter, Finisher or Stabilizer?

the latest

There are two ways business owners can run a business Solo mode is when you look at your business through the lens of ME. “What do I want/ not want? What’s best for me?” CEO mode is when you look at your business as a separate entity. As something that stands on its own, separate […]

The Difference: Solo Mode vs. CEO Mode


Solo mode

The 4 questions to ask yourself when you’re too busy “Help me! I’m too busy and something needs to change..” I get it. Being ‘too busy’ isn’t sustainable and doesn’t serve you or your clients. It may even be getting in the way of you growing your business.  The good news? It’s fixable, so grab […]

4 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Too Busy



This is the #1 thing getting in the way of your success Imagine you want to grow a tree. First you plant the seed. Then you spend time tending to the seed – giving it what it needs to grow. Everyday that you tend to the seed it grows – a little bit at a […]

Growing a tree