Meet Alyssa - a certified online business manager and professor. With over a decade of being an educator, she arms you with the step-by-step strategies and support to grow your online business that blends perfectly with your lifestyle goals.

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Grow your online business by building a course. I'll walk you through the process step-by-step, so you can create and launch with confidence. 

Learn how to maximize your productivity and efficiency in business without burning out.

Create your Course Outline in 30 minutes

Before you dive into creating a course, you need to have a course outline, learning outcomes, and objectives. This will amplify the experience your clients will feel when they enroll in your course. 



10 Things You Shouldn’t Tolerate In Your Business

*This post may contain affiliate links.

I talk to business owners all day long about the challenges they are experiencing in their business. If any of the following sounds familiar, the solution might be easier than you think…

  1. I have more (too much) on my plate. I need someone I can delegate to. Someone who doesn’t come back to me with more questions than solutions. 
  1. I am doing all the overseeing and following up with the team, and things are slipping through the cracks. My team is always waiting for me.
  1. We know we need to grow our team, but I have NO TIME to hire or train.
  1. We are not implementing metrics or tracking our marketing initiatives so that I can make better marketing decisions.
  1. There is no one else in the business who can think big picture and help me plan ahead.
  1. There is no one on my team who can translate my vision, mission, and goals into priorities and actions. That is our big gap.
  1. I need someone to help me ensure that everyone in the organization remains in their zone of genius, including me! I NEED to focus on sales & delivery.
  1. I need someone to establish policies and procedures, and then make sure they get followed.
  2. I need a brainstorming partner, and someone else on my team who can see (and fix) our blindspots.
  1. I know I am not good at operations. I have good team members but they are asking me about things that I know are not my strengths.

Once your business revenue is beyond 6-figures, it’s really tough to continue to operate as the lone leader on the team. At some point in the growth of every business a high-level manager (not you!) needs to become part of the equation. 

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