Meet Alyssa - a certified online business manager and professor. With over a decade of being an educator, she arms you with the step-by-step strategies and support to grow your online business that blends perfectly with your lifestyle goals.

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Grow your online business by building a course. I'll walk you through the process step-by-step, so you can create and launch with confidence. 

Learn how to maximize your productivity and efficiency in business without burning out.

Create your Course Outline in 30 minutes

Before you dive into creating a course, you need to have a course outline, learning outcomes, and objectives. This will amplify the experience your clients will feel when they enroll in your course. 



The #1 Thing Getting in the Way of your Success

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Growing trees

This is the #1 thing getting in the way of your success

Imagine you want to grow a tree.

First you plant the seed. Then you spend time tending to the seed – giving it what it needs to grow.

Everyday that you tend to the seed it grows – a little bit at a time. You may not see the growth in the moment but over time you will be able to look back to where you started and see the progress. And after time that seed becomes the amazing tree it was always meant to be. 

What happens if you plant a seed and then leave it? It dies. Plain and simple. You.

  • Found another seed that was more exciting and offered the promise of bigger leaves.
  • Just got bored of doing the same things every day to tend to that seed.
  • Maybe you got impatient because it wasn’t growing as fast as we wanted it to.

Your ideas. The decisions. Your plans. These are all seeds in your business and are the necessary starting point of everything. 

But every time you embrace a new idea or change direction you are starting over. You have to go back to the beginning to plant a new seed.

As entrepreneurs you love your ideas (as you should). You call your friends to say “OMG I just had the best idea!” You brag about them on Facebook and tease people with their promise. You hold them close in case someone tries to ‘steal’ them from you. (Interesting to note that no one owns an idea until they bring it to fruition – Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic is an amazing read on this topic.)

Believe me I know how easy it is to get caught up in every new idea or opportunity thinking “This is THE ONE that will finally bring me what I want!”

Only to find that maybe it isn’t. It’s taking longer than expected. It’s harder than you thought it would be. So again you look to the next idea. The next ‘bring shiny object’ wondering if perhaps that will be the ‘THE ONE’ instead. 

Allow me to say this with all the love in my heart:

Changing Direction is stifling your business growth

Have you given yourself enough time with your current plan to really dig in and see what’s possible? 

Have you invested in the right support to help you execute on your current plan to see what can happen when you don’t have to manage it all yourself?

This isn’t to say never change directions. There will be times in your business journey where it makes sense to do so.

But if you have been trying ‘a bunch of different things’ and still haven’t been able to create the success you are looking for, perhaps it’s time to explore the support of a Certified Online Business Manager to help you get some of your incredible ideas across the finish line. 

Growing a business is not always fun. It’s not always sexy. Heck, it can be downright draining & frustrating at times to ‘stick with it’. 

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