Meet Alyssa - a certified online business manager and professor. With over a decade of being an educator, she arms you with the step-by-step strategies and support to grow your online business that blends perfectly with your lifestyle goals.

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Grow your online business by building a course. I'll walk you through the process step-by-step, so you can create and launch with confidence. 

Learn how to maximize your productivity and efficiency in business without burning out.

Create your Course Outline in 30 minutes

Before you dive into creating a course, you need to have a course outline, learning outcomes, and objectives. This will amplify the experience your clients will feel when they enroll in your course. 



How to Turn Your Free eBook into Sales

*This post may contain affiliate links.

turn ebook into sales

Offering a free eBook is a fantastic way to attract new clients and highlight your expertise. But how can you take your free eBook and turn it into something that not only builds your audience but also drives sales? Here are three strategies to help you make the most out of your free eBook.

Create a hyper-specific eBook that solves a very niche problem for your clients

Think about the common struggles your clients face and craft your eBook around those issues. If you specialize in gut health, you might create a guide on “5 Easy SIBO Gut Recipes” or “The Ultimate Guide to Managing IBS.” The key is to provide actionable advice and practical tips that your audience can use right away.

Offer mini low-ticket upsells

Once your eBook is in the hands of your readers, you have a golden opportunity to offer them something more. Introduce low-ticket upsells that complement the content of your eBook. For instance, if your eBook covers gut-friendly recipes, consider offering a budget-friendly meal planning template or a downloadable shopping list that makes following your recipes easier. These small, affordable extras provide additional value and can entice your readers to make a purchase. They’re also a great way to showcase the quality of your paid offerings and build a bridge to more substantial services, like personalized coaching or advanced meal plans.

Value-Stack Your Emails

Start with a thank-you email and then follow up with a series of messages that offer even more value. Share additional tips on gut health, success stories from clients who have benefited from your advice, or exclusive content related to the eBook’s topic. Gradually introduce your paid services, but do so in a way that feels natural and helpful. The goal is to build a relationship and establish yourself as a trusted expert. By providing consistent value and demonstrating how your services can further help them, you increase the chances of converting your subscribers into paying clients.

The Profit Plate

I help you turn your knowledge into profitable digital products. Whether you’re creating courses, eBooks, memberships, or coaching programs, The Profit Plate delivers everything you need to grow your business, reach more clients, and build sustainable income streams.

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