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Team Managing

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As a business owner you might be familiar with this journey… At first it’s just you, flying solo doing all the things. Then you hire your 1st team member (probably a VA) and they take some tasks off your plate – yay! And as the business grows more and more things need to get done […]

Why Managing Teams Becomes Energetically Draining

the latest

Are you a Starter, Finisher, or Stabilizer? I love this question and have used it in my business with clients & team. It’s important to understand this distinction for ourselves, as well as for the people we work with. A Starter likes to get the ball rolling – you are a visionary. You see the […]

Are you a Starter, Finisher or Stabilizer?


Woman working

There are 3 keys to getting past the bursting point in business It can be REALLY tough to run a business, especially once you hit 6-figures and beyond. The struggles are not talked about enough, often swept under the rug – brought to life only in tearful late night discussions or moments of extreme frustration. […]

3 Keys to Getting Past the Bursting Point


Reading on a bed

There are two ways business owners can run a business Solo mode is when you look at your business through the lens of ME. “What do I want/ not want? What’s best for me?” CEO mode is when you look at your business as a separate entity. As something that stands on its own, separate […]

Solo mode

This is the #1 thing getting in the way of your success Imagine you want to grow a tree. First you plant the seed. Then you spend time tending to the seed – giving it what it needs to grow. Everyday that you tend to the seed it grows – a little bit at a […]

The #1 Thing Getting in the Way of your Success


Growing a tree