Meet Alyssa - a certified online business manager and professor. With over a decade of being an educator, she arms you with the step-by-step strategies and support to grow your online business that blends perfectly with your lifestyle goals.

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The Difference: Solo Mode vs. CEO Mode

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Two women working

There are two ways business owners can run a business

  1. Solo mode
  2. CEO mode

Solo mode is when you look at your business through the lens of ME.

“What do I want/ not want? What’s best for me?”

CEO mode is when you look at your business as a separate entity. As something that stands on its own, separate from you.

“What is best for the business? What does the business want/not want right now?”

Depending on which lens you are looking through at the moment, the answers could be very different.

You might think this is about the size of the business… a solopreneur is running in solo mode, and a bigger business is running in CEO mode.

That is not always the case.

I know of many bigger businesses that are still being run in solo mode – where the owner of the company is making decisions based on what THEY want/don’t want… and not always based on what is best for the business.

Likewise, I know many a solopreneur running their business in CEO mode – where they are looking at what is best for the business, and not just at what they want/don’t want.

The truth is – there are times you have to make decisions

Let’s look at a couple of examples:

1. Expanding your Team

I’ve had many conversations with business owners who say:

“I know I should get more help but I just don’t want to spend that kind of money on hiring someone…”

I get it. YOU may not want to spend that money, but what does your business want?

Is your business at the point where a team is becoming necessary? Where there is simply too much work to do and not enough ‘hands’ to get it done?

What is a lack of support costing you in your business? How much work is still on your plate because you don’t have the right support? How much work isn’t getting done at all because you don’t have anyone else to do it?

Likewise, what could the right team/support allow you to create more of in your business? How does having a team in place free you up to do the things that your business needs you to do? (growth focused activities)

2. Documenting Processes 

“Bah! This seems like such a waste of time and I don’t think we need to document processes.”

At face value, yes, processes are boring. They aren’t sexy or fun to create. And it might seem like a lot of work to document processes and get them all laid out into a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) guide.

But let’s take a look at why processes matter…

Without them you have to rely on what’s in your brain to get things done. You’re aware of the tools. You know the steps. You know what needs to be done and how to do it. Which means that you always have to be involved for things to get done… yikes!

Even with a team in place, without processes your team may not be doing things ‘your way.’ I hear this as a common complaint from business owners:

“I’ve hired someone but they keep messing it up, so I may as well just do it myself.”

To which I would say:

“That is only true so long as the process – the way to do it – lives in your head.”

In other words, get the ‘HOW TO’ out of your head and into a documented process that someone else can follow so that they *can* do it right.

Documented processes are the key to freedom. Start by trusting your team. The key to taking a vacation and not having everyone scrambling in your absence. The key to repeating what works again and again.

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