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Create your Course Outline in 30 minutes

Before you dive into creating a course, you need to have a course outline, learning outcomes, and objectives. This will amplify the experience your clients will feel when they enroll in your course. 


Digital Products

Digital Products Every Nutritionist Should Offer

*This post may contain affiliate links.

nutritionist working digital products

If you want to attract more clients and add some extra income to your pocket, digital products are the way to go! They’re a fun and creative way to share your knowledge while making it super easy for people to learn from you.

Check out these 7 ideas designed to generate extra monthly revenue while meeting your client’s needs. Make sure to create products that are in demand and tailored to your niche, doing your research, and having conversations can help solidify what exactly you should be creating.


These are a fantastic way to package your knowledge into something easily digestible (pun intended!). Whether it’s a guide on a specific diet, meal prep ideas, or a curated list of food companies, eBooks can be a hit. They’re relatively simple to create, and once they’re done, you can sell them repeatedly without much extra work. Plus, they make great lead magnets to attract new clients.

Here’s an example of one of my clients, Jennifer Scribner of Body Wisdom Nutrition who has a very popular eBook Where to Buy It? This is a curated list of companies that ship convenient healthy food in the US.

Meal Plans

Everyone loves a good meal plan! Create customizable meal plans tailored to different dietary needs—Body Wisdom Nutrition specializes in the GAPS Diet and offers monthly cook-along videos for her members to watch. You can offer these as standalone products or bundle them with your eBooks.

Online Courses

When designing your course, focus on what your clients need. Conduct surveys or have one-on-one conversations to uncover their biggest challenges and interests. This ensures you’re creating content that’s not only valuable but also in high demand. Break your course down into easy-to-follow modules, and consider adding interactive elements like a community or a private podcast feed to keep them engaged.

Recipe collections

Create themed recipe collections that cater to specific dietary needs or goals, such as “30 Gut-Friendly Recipes” or “Quick Meals for Busy Families.” You can package these as PDFs with beautiful visuals, making them not just useful but also visually appealing.


Help your clients track their progress with printable worksheets. These can include meal planners, grocery lists, or food diaries. You can offer these as part of a larger package or sell them individually. Clients will appreciate having tools that make their nutrition journey easier and more organized.


Think of a challenge as a themed event that motivates participants to take specific actions over a set period—usually around 14 to 30 days. For example, you could launch a “21-Day Rest and Digest” challenge where every day for 21 days they would get a nutrition tip or strategy delivered to their inbox.

Q&A Monthly Membership

Creating a monthly Q&A membership is a great way to build community while providing ongoing support to your clients. This type of membership can serve as a valuable resource where clients can ask questions, seek advice, and get personalized insights directly from you.

Exploring digital products can open up a world of possibilities for your nutrition practice. From engaging eBooks and customizable meal plans to interactive online courses and supportive Q&A memberships, the options are endless. These products not only provide valuable resources to your clients but also create additional income streams for you.

The Profit Plate

I help you turn your knowledge into profitable digital products. Whether you’re creating courses, eBooks, memberships, or coaching programs, The Profit Plate delivers everything you need to grow your business, reach more clients, and build sustainable income streams.

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