From the latest scoop on the course creator economy to inspiring you to build a business on your terms.

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Course Creator Corner 


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Have you tried to upsell your nutrition services, but it just gives you the big “ICK”? What is Upselling? Upselling your nutrition services is a sales strategy where you encourage your clients to purchase additional products or services that complement your main offerings. It’s a way to increase the value of a sale by offering […]

How to Upsell Your Nutrition Services

the latest

In this post I talk about: Mistake #1 You have an overwhelming amount of information you want to include in your course As an expert, you have a wealth of knowledge to share. However, trying to cram too much information can result in your clients feeling overwhelmed, making it difficult to understand and retain information. […]

Top 3 Mistakes Nutritionists Make Creating Courses


Person Meal Plans

Creating a profitable gut-health course involves strategic planning and execution. To start, hire someone to capture your expertise and build your course for you that addresses a specific need or problem with your clients. For maximum success, you want your course to be engaging, comprehensive, and results-based. We’re diving into three money-generating activities you can […]

How to Make Money from Your Gut Health Course


In this post, I talk about: What is Thrivecart? Thrive Cart is, it’s a powerful e-commerce platform designed to help you sell digital products, including online courses, memberships, and digital downloads. Thrive Cart provides a range of features such as customizable checkout pages, one-click upsells, affiliate tracking, and integrations with popular marketing tools. It’s a […]

Implementation requires 3 Ds: Decisions + Driving + Doing = Implementation When it comes to getting things done in a business DOING is often the default priority.  But it’s actually the first 2 Ds in the formula that are critical to the success of any project, and without the first two, the doing piece can […]

D x 3 for Implementation


I talk to business owners all day long about the challenges they are experiencing in their business. If any of the following sounds familiar, the solution might be easier than you think… Once your business revenue is beyond 6-figures, it’s really tough to continue to operate as the lone leader on the team. At some […]

10 Things You Shouldn’t Tolerate In Your Business


As a leader, one of our primary responsibilities is to ensure team members are delivering results and successfully completing what they are responsible for. When everyone is individually hitting their marks, the business wins. To achieve this, accountability across the company is crucial. But, holding people accountable is challenging. It requires a balance of clarity, […]

One of the most common frustrations I hear from business owners is “I’m so busy! There are so many things on my plate that I can’t seem to get anything done.” Being ‘busy’ (and the stress that comes with it) seems to have become the norm. But even more than that – busy has become […]

Delegate your Distractions


I speak to business owners every day about the things they find most difficult when it comes to running their business. From dozens of these ‘pain point’ conversations I have come to know two things to be very true: Business Challenge #1 “I spend way too much time managing the team and don’t have time […]

Your Biggest Business Challenges Solved


“I never thought it would be this hard – when do I get to the good part?” When it comes to business, this statement is true for most of us. The entrepreneur’s journey is often harder than we expected it to be. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Here are 5 ways to […]

As an OBM who has supported a variety of businesses and teams, I see and hear first hand the ways in which business owners are frustrating their teams… quite often without intending to, or even realizing it. Here are the top 9 ways that you may be driving your team nutty. 1. Changing your mind […]

9 Surefire Ways to Drive Your Team Nutty


This is why I prioritize slow mornings in my business For more than a decade, I’ve worked in an office environment where I would rush out the door, barely eating breakfast, just to make it on time for my 8:30 a.m. shift. As soon as I walked into my office space, I flipped the switch […]

Why I Prioritize Slow Mornings in my Business


Morning Yoga with Kids

In this post, I share: Live Cooking Classes I admit, this one takes a bit of time to set-up but you won’t regret putting in the work. If you’re teaching your clients about cooking foods they’re not familiar with, consider scheduling a few live cooking classes where they join you via Zoom and you structure […]

Virtual Cooking Class

In this post, I talk about: The Price of your Expertise Assessing the value you provide in your nutrition program involves a deep dive into the unique benefits and outcomes your clients can expect. Start by evaluating your expertise, qualifications, and the personalized attention you offer. Consider the comprehensiveness of your program: Researching your Competitors […]

How Much to Charge for your Nutrition Program
