topics on course creation, launching, and obm wisdom

OBM Insights

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I talk to business owners all day long about the challenges they are experiencing in their business. If any of the following sounds familiar, the solution might be easier than you think… Once your business revenue is beyond 6-figures, it’s really tough to continue to operate as the lone leader on the team. At some […]

10 Things You Shouldn’t Tolerate In Your Business

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In my work with clients & teams over the years, this statement proves to be true over and over again… You get what you INSPECT, not what you expect. Yes, even with a great team of people who you adore. Unfortunately we cannot simply train someone once, and then expect that they will do everything […]

How to Get what you Expect from your Team


One of the most common frustrations I hear from business owners is “I’m so busy! There are so many things on my plate that I can’t seem to get anything done.” Being ‘busy’ (and the stress that comes with it) seems to have become the norm. But even more than that – busy has become […]

Delegate your Distractions


I speak to business owners every day about the things they find most difficult when it comes to running their business. From dozens of these ‘pain point’ conversations I have come to know two things to be very true: Business Challenge #1 “I spend way too much time managing the team and don’t have time […]

As an OBM who has supported a variety of businesses and teams, I see and hear first hand the ways in which business owners are frustrating their teams… quite often without intending to, or even realizing it. Here are the top 9 ways that you may be driving your team nutty. 1. Changing your mind […]

9 Surefire Ways to Drive Your Team Nutty


If you’re like a lot of business owners I know, you work hard, play hard. When you’re working – you’re working your butt off and your days are non-stop GO GO GO. And when you’re in play mode you really don’t want business occupying your mind. So, what’s the best way to get stuff done […]

How to Manage your Time Effectively


As a business owner you might be familiar with this journey… At first it’s just you, flying solo doing all the things. Then you hire your 1st team member (probably a VA) and they take some tasks off your plate – yay! And as the business grows more and more things need to get done […]

You can run your business in one of two ways: Reactive mode is when you just “go with the flow,”. When you don’t really have a plan, you just react to what comes your way and deal with it when it does. Proactive mode is when you take the time to consider what you want, […]

Reactive vs. Proactive Mode
