topics on course creation, launching, and obm wisdom

OBM Insights

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In my work with clients & teams over the years, this statement proves to be true over and over again… You get what you INSPECT, not what you expect. Yes, even with a great team of people who you adore. Unfortunately we cannot simply train someone once, and then expect that they will do everything […]

How to Get what you Expect from your Team

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I speak to business owners every day about the things they find most difficult when it comes to running their business. From dozens of these ‘pain point’ conversations I have come to know two things to be very true: Business Challenge #1 “I spend way too much time managing the team and don’t have time […]

Your Biggest Business Challenges Solved


“I never thought it would be this hard – when do I get to the good part?” When it comes to business, this statement is true for most of us. The entrepreneur’s journey is often harder than we expected it to be. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Here are 5 ways to […]

5 Ways to Make Things Easier in Your Business


As an OBM who has supported a variety of businesses and teams, I see and hear first hand the ways in which business owners are frustrating their teams… quite often without intending to, or even realizing it. Here are the top 9 ways that you may be driving your team nutty. 1. Changing your mind […]

The Expander is the one with the big ideas – the visionary. The Expander tends to live in the future, with visions of what is possible running through their mind and lots of ideas. This person is often the entrepreneur/CEO of the company.  The Container is the person who plugs into the vision and brings […]

Are you an Expander or Container?


Yes, it’s important to hire. Yes, it’s important to delegate. Yes, team makes all things possible. BUT there is something that many business owners aren’t prepared for when they start hiring. The management trap. Let’s first dig in and define what management is. It’s the role of a manager to make sure the right things […]

The Management Trap


When it comes to hiring team members one of the biggest questions that comes up is: “How can I afford the help I need?” It almost always will feel like a stretch when you are hiring – whether it’s your first VA or an OBM to run your business. You can look at hiring one […]

I saw a post recently talking about this idea of the ‘invisible workload’ – the weight of having to think about & plan everything. This is referred to as the invisible workload because even if you’re not the one doing everything, you might be the one THINKING about all the things, and making all the […]

The Invisible Workload
